Devlog1: Development Process and Playtesting

Game Development Process:
During the first week, we decided that we want to build a tower defense game with the theme of farm and animals. Then we started to exploreXcode, IPhone developer mode, and other basic knowledge on building IOS projects with unity. During the second week, we started drawing the sprites. After that we started to do simple animations and explore ways to build construction sites and enemy routes. During the third week, we started to focus on the development of construction sites and different types of enemies. During the fourth week, we started to merge thing together, debug, and create the game loop.
During the playtesting, the professor, the TA, and many groups play tested our game. Even though we didn't have a full game loop yet during the play testing, we got some useful feed backs on what to focus on and what to improve. First, we should recreate the menu to better demonstrate the theme of the game. Second, we should add more sound effects when enemies got attack. Third, we should have the rocksheep and spadesheep face to the enemies whenever they're making attacks.
Apart from the in class play testing, we did a lot of playtestings on our own. Overall, the playtestings really give us a better vision of what to improve on our game design and implementation.
Get Animal Defence
Animal Defence
This is a tower defense game. Protect your farm animals from carnivores by building constructions!
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- Devlog2: PostMortemMay 05, 2023
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